Monday, December 5, 2022

Salty Dogs

"Why is my housetrained dog having accidents in the house?"

After spending ten years raising future Assistance Dogs, I know accidents can be one of the most challenging problems dog owners face.

Luckily, the problem sometimes has a very simple solution!

Dogs tend to get more treats during the holiday season; either as gifts or to distract them from the holiday hubbub of visitors and other activities.

Pig ears, smoked bones, rawhide, hooves and similar treats are usually very high in sodium. And increased sodium consumption can increase thirst which leads to increased water consumption.

Increased sodium consumption can increase thirst
which leads to increased water consumption.

And if you increase the intake, there is going to be an increase in output! Some dogs are unable to contain themselves as well as they normally would in this situation.

These kinds of treats can also give your dog an upset stomach and cause another kind of output that is even more unpleasant!

So, if you find yourself asking "Why is my housetrained dog having accidents in the house?", first consider possible dietary causes if your dog has been getting those kinds of treats.

Try limiting the suspected treats for a week and see if the accidents decrease. If so, consider switching to raw or un-smoked treats.

If the accidents do not decrease, consult with your veterinarian to rule out urinary tract infections, kidney problems or other more serious causes.

Some of the special treats I use include raw beef marrow or knuckle bones (available from your local meat market) or stuffed Kong toys. You can also freeze the stuffed Kongs to make them last longer for your dog.

I reserve these higher value raw and stuffed treats for special occasions and usually offer them when the dogs are crated to make sure there are no jealousy issues.

For day to day use, I offer antlers, Nylabones or Kong toys like the Kong Dental Stick . 

I hope you find this information helpful!

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