So, you want to become a dog trainer?
The world needs more dog trainers who can help struggling dog owners resolve the problems they are having with their dogs. There are more than enough families who are having a hard time with naughty dogs to go around!
But how to actually become a dog trainer?
You could work your way through the 115 million! results on Google about how to become a dog trainer if you have the time and the patience.
But here is how to quickly become the best dog trainer you can be: Let The Universe always catch you training dogs. The end.
Start with Sit, Down and tricks to get the hang of timing your rewards and corrections.
Train your dog, friends' dogs, relative's dogs, shelter dogs, foster rescue dogs, raise service dog puppies, etc. and get good at addressing the three most common behavior problems: jumping up, pulling on the leash and not coming when called.
Do not spend your time studying dog training; spend your time doing dog training. You will not be very good at first but if you keep learning, you will get better.
Train dogs for free at first if you have to. When you can get better results, you can get better pay.
Create a social media page for your new business. Don't worry about a fancy name or a logo. "Jenny's Dog Training" is enough to get you started. Make videos and show your work so people can get to know, like and trust you.
You do not need to go to a fancy dog trainer school, join a franchise or get a "certification". There are many successful dog trainers out there who freely share their knowledge. Most aspiring dog trainers will not act on their advice. Be one who will take action!
Hint: if you love dogs but hate people, please do not become a dog trainer. Struggling people need trainers who can be kind and empathetic. Be prepared to learn how to deliver great customer service and run a business.
Speaking of running a business, business coaching is just as important as learning how to train dogs. Programs like Molly Rouse's P.E.A.K. Marketing Program for Dog Trainers can give you the tools to build a successful business while helping you focus on what you love—training dogs. I have personally used this program, and it has been a game-changer for my career.
The demand is high and the need is great so let's gooooooo!
Want to fast-track your journey? Check out the P.E.A.K. Marketing Program for Dog Trainers. As an affiliate, I may earn a commission if you join through this link, but I truly believe it’s the best way to grow your business and make a real impact without burning out.
(And if you are local, send me a PM and let's meet for some dogs and coffee networking!)