Monday, November 7, 2022

Why Did the Dog Trainer Cross the Road?

I know how to safely cross the street!

Never have I been hit by a car or even had a near miss when crossing the street on foot. (While biking is another story!)

I know that you generally wait for the traffic light to turn green which also activates the WALK signal.  But I don't really need the walk signal. I know how to read the traffic pattern and can safely cross the street even if there isn't a traffic light or WALK signal. 

However, I recently learned I do not know how to cross the street while in Paris.

We did not have a car so we spent a lot of time walking. I knew they drove on the right side of the road like we did so thought all would be fine.

Well, let me tell you, I was wrong!

First off, Paris traffic is cray-cray! Take a look at this!

In the US we generally stop our vehicles outside the crisscross portion of the intersection. 

Some Paris intersections are set up to stop cars travelling in both directions right at the crosswalk where people are crossing.

Another thing about Paris is that people have a very small space bubble. The first few days I thought they were trying to run us over.

But they always stopped but only as far away as they needed to be.

It is not because they are rude.

A couple of times I stepped off the curb totally in the wrong and the driver stopped and insisted I continue. (MercĂ­ beaucoup!)

French traffic lights are different from ours and are generally off to the side somewhere.

There are often two WALK/DONT WALK signals. One to get you to the island in the middle of traffic and another to get you the rest of the way across.

So, there is lots going on and then add in the distractions of being a tourist to one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the world. I was a total country mouse in the city!

It was all very confusing! A lot of thought went into getting it right when it came to doing something I have taken for granted. I walked when the walk sign was green and didn't when it wasn't.

It was not unusual to be waiting for the WALK signal and there would go a Parisian strolling into the crosswalk without a care on the world.

That is because the locals can do more than just read the pedestrian signal. They know the traffic pattern; is this is a one-way street and how many of those six lanes of traffic are going to be headed this way. They also know where and when the cars are going to stop.

So, while I am pretty darn good at safely crossing the street in Traverse City Michigan, that is not a skill I have mastered in Paris.

With time and perhaps some instruction from a native who is fluent with the local customs, I would have made much faster (and safer!) progress.

And it is like that with dogs sometimes.

If you welcomed a new dog into your family recently, they may be struggling like a traveler in a strange land. Do think you might need training help for your new dog?

If so, I can help! I am fluent in canine AND human and can help eliminate confusion and frustration on both sides.

If you are ready for a Fresh Start with your new dog, you can schedule a complimentary phone consultation with me and avoid getting lost in translation.

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